I did this a bit flippantly before, but I want to fomalize the process by which we estimate the uncertainty on emulator predictions.

In [2]:
from pearce.emulator import SpicyBuffalo, LemonPepperWet
from pearce.mocks import cat_dict
import numpy as np
from os import path

In [3]:
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns

In [4]:
#xi gg
training_file = '/scratch/users/swmclau2/xi_zheng07_cosmo_lowmsat/PearceRedMagicXiCosmoFixedNd.hdf5'
#test_file= '/scratch/users/swmclau2/xi_zheng07_cosmo_test_lowmsat2/'
test_file =  '/scratch/users/swmclau2/xi_zheng07_cosmo_test_lowmsat2/PearceRedMagicXiCosmoFixedNd_Test.hdf5'
#xi gm training_file = '/scratch/users/swmclau2/xi_gm_cosmo/PearceRedMagicXiGMCosmoFixedNd.hdf5' test_file = '/scratch/users/swmclau2/xi_gm_cosmo_test2/PearceRedMagicXiGMCosmoFixedNdTest.hdf5'

In [5]:
em_method = 'gp'
split_method = 'random'

In [6]:
a = 1.0
z = 1.0/a - 1.0

In [7]:
fixed_params = {'z':z}#, 'cosmo': 0}#, 'r':24.06822623}
hp = np.loadtxt('/home/users/swmclau2/Git/pearce/bin/optimization/sloppy_joes_result_indiv_bins.npy')
param_names = ['ombh2', 'omch2', 'w0', 'ns', 'ln10As', 'H0', 'Neff', 'logM0', 'sigma_logM', 'logM1', 'alpha']
pnames = ['bias', 'amp'] pnames.extend(param_names) pnames.append('amp') pnames.extend(param_names)
from collections import defaultdict metric = defaultdict(list) for val, pname in zip(hp, pnames): metric[pname].append(val)
np.random.seed(0) emu = SpicyBuffalo(training_file, method = em_method, fixed_params=fixed_params, custom_mean_function = None, downsample_factor = 0.05)#, hyperparams = {'metric':metric})

In [8]:
emu = LemonPepperWet(training_file, method = em_method, fixed_params=fixed_params,
                 custom_mean_function = None, downsample_factor = 0.05)#, hyperparams = {'metric':metric})

1.29305147766 2.62133836608 -0.296509213949
[ 6.94889833  1.01607775  5.08172781  4.74598794  5.89441921  3.19114024
  3.69313406  0.21167359  6.76853007  1.62040107  3.65072859] [  9.32171323   3.51376161   3.29787733   9.50341227   5.29640994
   8.44108538   4.82738836   1.39618562  11.00360705   0.93187517

In [9]:
pred_y, data_y = emu.goodness_of_fit(test_file, statistic = None)

In [10]:
train_err = []
for ridx in xrange(emu.n_bins):
    fixed_params = {'r': emu.scale_bin_centers[ridx]}

    #test_x, test_y, test_ycov, info = emu.get_data(test_file, fixed_params)

    train_x, train_y, train_ycov, info = emu.get_data(training_file, fixed_params, remove_nans = False)

    #test_ycov = test_ycov[:, 0,0]
    train_ycov = train_ycov[:, 0,0]

    #print np.mean(test_y*np.sqrt(test_ycov))

In [11]:
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, train_err)

In [12]:
acc = []
log_acc = []
for ridx in xrange(emu.n_bins):
    py, dy = pred_y[ridx], data_y[ridx]
    acc.append(np.mean(np.abs(10**py-10**dy)/(10**dy)) )
    log_acc.append(np.mean(np.abs(py-dy)/dy) )

In [13]:
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, train_err)
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, acc)

In [14]:
from pearce.mocks.kittens import TrainingBox

In [15]:
cat = TrainingBox(0, system = 'sherlock')

In [16]:
cat.load(1.0, HOD = 'redMagic')

In [17]:
train_x[:, -4:]

array([[ 13.91381381,   0.12007007,  13.18858859,   0.87287287],
       [ 14.22462462,   0.20940941,  14.55795796,   0.88008008],
       [ 13.84024024,   0.17437437,  13.96786787,   0.86166166],
       [ 13.85375375,   0.12107107,  13.38978979,   0.9017017 ],
       [ 14.57747748,   0.2522022 ,  14.04444444,   1.1995996 ],
       [ 13.63603604,   0.26471471,  13.75165165,   0.91771772]])

In [18]:


In [19]:
HOD = {'logM0':13.91, 'sigma_logM': 0.12, 'logM1':13.188, 'alpha':0.87}
HOD['logMmin'] = 13.2

In [21]:
xis = []
rbins = np.logspace(-1.1, 1.6, 19)

for i in xrange(10):

In [22]:
xis = np.array(xis)

In [33]:
xi_errs = np.sqrt(np.diag(np.cov(xis, rowvar = False)))/np.nanmean(xis,axis = 0)

In [34]:

array([ 0.01529399,  0.00763379,  0.00567001,  0.00703913,  0.00666976,
        0.00579622,  0.00583113,  0.00465406,  0.00459311,  0.00386713,
        0.00798802,  0.01032789,  0.0115047 ,  0.01027339,  0.00807049,
        0.0089975 ,  0.01056345,  0.01277307])

In [35]:
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, train_err)
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, acc)
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, xi_errs)

for plt_idx in np.random.choice(len(pred_y[0]), 100): print plt_idx pred_plot = np.array([pred_y[bi][plt_idx] for bi in xrange(len(pred_y))]) data_plot = np.array([data_y[bi][plt_idx] for bi in xrange(len(pred_y))]) #mean_plot = np.array([mean_func_at_params[bi][plt_idx] for bi in xrange(len(pred_y))]) mean_plot = np.array([mean_func_at_params[bi] for bi in xrange(len(pred_y))]) plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, pred_plot, label = "Emu") plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, data_plot, label = "Data") plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, mean_plot, label = "Mean") plt.xscale('log') plt.legend(loc = 'best') plt.show()
resmat = np.zeros(( 7, 5, 1000, 18)) resmat_log = np.zeros_like(resmat) predmat = np.zeros(( 7, 5, 1000, 18)) datamat = np.zeros(( 7, 5, 1000, 18)) for bin_no in xrange(len(pred_y)): py, dy = pred_y[bin_no], data_y[bin_no] for cosmo_no in xrange(7): cpy, cdy = py[cosmo_no*5000:(cosmo_no+1)*5000], dy[cosmo_no*5000:(cosmo_no+1)*5000] #for realization_no in xrange(5): for hod_no in xrange(1000): crpy, crdy = cpy[hod_no::1000], cdy[hod_no::1000] #for hod_no in xrange(1000): #print crpy.std() predmat[cosmo_no, :, hod_no , bin_no] = crpy datamat[cosmo_no, :, hod_no , bin_no] = crdy resmat[cosmo_no, :, hod_no , bin_no] = 10**crpy - 10**crdy resmat_log[cosmo_no, :, hod_no , bin_no] = crpy - crdy

In [79]:
resmat_flat = resmat.reshape((-1, 18)).T
datamat_flat = datamat.reshape((-1, 18)).T
#resmat_hodrealav = np.mean(resmat_realav, axis = 1)

In [133]:
r_idx = 10
t_bin = t[r_idx]
acc_bin = np.abs(resmat_flat[r_idx])/datamat_flat[r_idx]

In [135]:
percentiles = np.percentile(acc_bin, range(101))
norm_acc_bin = np.digitize(acc_bin, percentiles)
#norm_acc_bin = 100*((acc_bin - acc_bin.min())/acc_bin.max()).astype(int)

In [136]:
palette = sns.diverging_palette(220, 20, n=len(percentiles)-1, as_cmap=True)

In [137]:
pnames = emu.get_param_names()

In [138]:
for axes1 in xrange(7,11):
    for axes2 in xrange(axes1+1, 11):
        cbar = plt.scatter(t_bin[:,axes1 ], t_bin[:,axes2], c = norm_acc_bin,cmap = palette, alpha = 0.2)

In [131]:
test_err_bin = test_err[:, r_idx, r_idx]

In [132]:
plt.hist(np.log10(test_err_bin) )

(array([   52.,   899.,  4645.,  7357.,  8764.,  7489.,  4014.,  1466.,
          283.,    31.]),
 array([-6.75847478, -6.30145219, -5.84442961, -5.38740702, -4.93038444,
        -4.47336185, -4.01633926, -3.55931668, -3.10229409, -2.64527151,
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)

Why are these different?

In [120]:
plt.hist(np.log10(np.sqrt(emu.yerr[r_idx])) )

(array([   164.,   2085.,   8315.,  10257.,   8919.,   5685.,   2963.,
          1287.,    289.,     36.]),
 array([-1.41924799, -1.30072147, -1.18219495, -1.06366842, -0.9451419 ,
        -0.82661538, -0.70808885, -0.58956233, -0.47103581, -0.35250928,
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)

In [110]:
percentiles = np.percentile(np.log10(test_err_bin), [0, 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100])
norm_err_bin = np.digitize(np.log10(test_err_bin), percentiles)

In [121]:
#relevant stat is uncertainty in training error, not test error
for axes1 in xrange(7,11):
    for axes2 in xrange(axes1+1, 11):
        cbar = plt.scatter(t_bin[:,axes1 ], t_bin[:,axes2], c = norm_err_bin,cmap = palette, alpha = 0.2)

In [90]:
test_err_diag= np.array([test_err[:, r_idx, r_idx] for r_idx in xrange(emu.n_bins)] )

In [91]:
test_err_diag.mean(axis = 1)

array([  6.66416262e-04,   3.90266113e-04,   2.40298112e-04,
         1.59608324e-04,   1.11817891e-04,   8.52685284e-05,
         6.85463332e-05,   3.27251532e-05,   1.61159551e-05,
         1.23840494e-05,   1.22300077e-05,   1.20386761e-05,
         8.81174492e-06,   6.19478076e-06,   5.05835371e-06,
         4.66060676e-06,   5.20829565e-06,   7.42500106e-06])

In [112]:
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, np.mean(np.abs(resmat_flat)/(10**datamat_flat), axis = 1) )
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, np.mean(np.abs(test_err_diag), axis = 1) )


In [93]:
resmat_log_flat = resmat_log.reshape((-1, 18)).T

In [113]:
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, np.mean(np.abs(resmat_log_flat)/np.abs(datamat_flat), axis = 1), label = 'Pred acc' )
#plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, np.mean(np.array([ye/np.abs(y+1e-9) for ye, y in zip(emu.yerr, emu.y)]), axis = 1), label = 'Training Err' )
plt.legend(loc ='best')

In [ ]:
for res, dat in zip(resmat_flat, 10**datamat_flat):
    plt.hist(res/dat, bins = 30)#, bins = np.linspace(-1, 1, 30))

In [ ]:

In [ ]: